quarta-feira, 11 de maio de 2011

Exercícios de Inglês – Pronominal References – Inglês Instrumental – Atenção: Exercícios para aula de data:
14/05 com limite de entrega em 21/05 - Prof. Fábio

- Complete as frases abaixo com o pronome apropriado. Considere: função sintática, referência, número e concordância.

Exemplo: A person who/that you can depend on.

Função Sintática: Pronome Relativo – Conjunção.
Número: Singular. Referência: Pessoas. Concordância: Sujeito.

1. A very small living thing _______ causes infectious diseases.

2. A person ______ works is the most important thing in their life and ________ does not have time for anything else?

3. A snack _______ you often eat in the movie theater, made from corn?

4. A small room _______ people are locked up.

5. The day in November _________ American people celebrate the origins of their country?

6. A piece of equipment ___________you can put a video camera on, and __________ has three legs.

7. A small insect ________ body is red with black spots.

8. Trevor likes people _______ aren’t very intelligent.

9. The conference _____ takes place next could change the future of the company.

10. I like martinis _____ are shaken, and ______ are not stirred.

11. Is that your phone _____ is ringing?

12. A prom is a ceremony in ______ people go to graduate.

13. Rob is starting his new job tomorrow, isn’t ______?

14. I think Rob’s quiet but _____ is very excited too.

15. Mrs. Dudley’s really depressed. _____ cat died last week.

16. Sally gets very annoyed ______ people are late for meetings.

17. What did you think of the movie? Actually ____ was quiet surprising.

18. _____ sister is really beautiful, Jack.

19. _____ books over there are really good.

20. Can you bring _____ a cup of coffee?

21. Let’s talk to the girls about the movie, Let’s talk to _____.

22. Do you like U2? Do you like ______?

23. I think the new Beyonce’s CD is very nice. Did you like _______?

24. ____ love you. You’re very important to me.

25. My best friend’s name is Jack. _____ is a very good friend.

26. _____ book is amazing! You should read it.

27. _____ books near your bed are amazing. You should read them.

28. It is important to tell people _____ they must study in order to pass to college.

29. Where are _____ going to stop? Me and my friends are lost.

30. _____ are so responsible. Ask them a favor and they’ll do it.

Outro exercício: Destaque 5 frases dentre as frases acima e explique o processo usado em sua construção. Considere os processos anafóricos e catafóricos em sua resposta. Não esqueça de explicar a que termos os pronomes se referem.


Dicas: Algumas frases dão pistas para a solução das outras. Procurem prestar atenção em algumas ideias discutidas em sala: A ideia de perto e longe, a ideia de plural ou singular, a função sintática do pronome: Sujeito, Conjunção, Determinante, se ele modifica substantivos, se ele modifica verbos e etc. Algumas frases possuem nível básico de linguagem e outras nem tanto. Vale usar o dicionário e/ou o tradutor. Se esforcem, não copiem as respostas. Lembrem-se: Vocês são o seu próprio resultado.

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Abraços, Fábio.

Um comentário:

  1. Eu não consegui abrir o arquivo!!!!!!!!
    Se alguém conseguir avise pra eu saber se o problema é do link ou do meu computador.
